Learning in the 21st Century

Have you had a chance to visit Qwiki? It’s in Alpha, which I guess means it is experimental… Anyhow, what will the “information experience” (as quoted by Doug Imbruce) be like for the current generation of children? Should we continue to teach content or should our schools work more on teaching context? What will happen to the world of text books? When you can create an entire history book by linking various Qwiki’s.

What is the science of teaching? What are the methodologies? How are these changing with the creation of sites like Qwiki? What is information sharing doing to the world of “original thought”?

I wrote the first part of this blog back on February 12, 2011. I left it in Draft because I couldn’t figure out how to end it. I thought I had too many questions.

Yesterday I came across Sir Ken Robinson. My sister-in-law sent me the following video Changing Education Paradigms by Sir Ken Robinson and illustrated by the RSA. I’ve just discovered Sir Ken and I love him already! He is an author from the UK (but he lives in LA) and listening to him is compelling not just because of his beautiful British accent but because of what he has to say. Visit his blog or read his book

Either way, I taking the journey from endurance to enjoyment so that I can be in my Element. Thank you Sir Ken for adding more clarity where it was missing.

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